Deluxe Medallion and Saint Choices 800-291-3739
Select a DELUXE MEDALLION scene or SAINT choice below to place in a window setting. You may also fill an entire background of your window film with a deluxe medallion.
*(F) beside saint name donates a full figure option is available, click on thumbnail for more information. Call us today with any questions
View deluxe medallion and saint groups below (if a name is listed but picture hasnt been added yet, contact us for info):
Designs 1-64: Deluxe Set 1 * SAINTS DESIGNS * Designs 81-94: Deluxe Set 2 * Designs 95-108: Deluxe Set 3 * Designs 109-122: Stations of the Cross * Designs 123-134: Deluxe Set 4
Deluxe Medallion 1 Annunciation to Mary
Deluxe medallion 2 The Birth of Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 3 Presentation of Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 4 The Holy Family
Deluxe Medallion 5 Jesus in Temple
Deluxe Medallion 6 Baptism of Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 7 Miracle of Cana
Deluxe Medallion 8 Jesus and Children
Deluxe Medallion 9 The Last Supper
Deluxe Medallion 10 Crucifixion of Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 11 Resurrection of Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 12 Ascension of Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 13 Pentecost
Deluxe Medallion 14 Saving Peter
Deluxe Medallion 15 Jesus in the Garden
Deluxe Medallion 16 The Good Shepherd
Deluxe Medallion 17 Nicodemus
Deluxe Medallion 18 Pieta
Deluxe Medallion 19 Crowning Mary
Deluxe Medallion 20 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Deluxe Medallion 21 Jesus on the Throne
Deluxe Medallion 22 Death of Joseph
Deluxe Medallion 23 Sermon on the Mount
Deluxe Medallion 24 Feeding the Multitudes
Deluxe Medallion 25 Cleansing of the Temple
Deluxe Medallion 26 Washing of the Feet
Deluxe Medallion 27 Jesus carrying the Cross
Deluxe Medallion 28 Jesus in the Tomb
Deluxe Medallion 29 Pentecost (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 30 Salvation
Deluxe Medallion 31 Crowning Mary (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 32 Immaculate Conception
Deluxe Medallion 33 Ten Comandments
Deluxe Medallion 34 Prodigal Son
Deluxe Medallion 35 Good Samaritan
Deluxe Medallion 36 Woman at the Well
Deluxe Medallion 37 The Sower
Deluxe Medallion 38 Good Shepherd (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 39 Jesus Knocking
Deluxe Medallion 40 The Sower (Jesus)
Deluxe Medallion 41 Peter Crucified
Deluxe Medallion 42 Jesus Whipped
Deluxe Medallion 43 Transfiguration
Deluxe Medallion 44 Crucifixion (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 45 Jesus Heals
Deluxe Medallion 46 Lazarus Come Forth
Deluxe Medallion 47 Assumption
Deluxe Medallion 48 Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 49 Visitation
Deluxe Medallion 50 Isaac and Abraham
Deluxe Medallion 51 Fish & Loaves (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 52 Passover
Deluxe Medallion 53 John the Baptist (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 54 Manna
Deluxe Medallion 55 Mary
Deluxe Medallion 56 Ascension (alternate)
Deluxe Medallion 57 Coronation of Mary
Deluxe Medallion 58 Annunciation
Deluxe Medallion 59 Emmaus
Deluxe Medallion 60 Crucifixion (alternate 2)
Deluxe Medallion 61 Angels and Children
Deluxe Medallion 62 Jesus and the Paralytic
Deluxe Medallion 63 Crowning Jesus
Deluxe Medallion 64 Coming SOON
Saint 21: Our Lady of Guadalupe (F)
Saint 22: Jude
Saint 23: Theresa of the Rose (F)
Saint 24: Joseph
Saint 29: Michael the Archangel (F)
Saint 30: George (F)
Saint 31: Alphonsan
Saint 32: Thomas Aquinas (F)
Saint 33: Augustine (F)
Saint 34: Margaret Mary (F)
Saint 35: Cecilia (F)
Saint 36: Catherine of Sienna
Saint 45: Elizabeth of Hungary (F)
Saint 46: Charles Borromeo (F)
Saint 47: JF de Chantall (F)
Saint 48: George (F alternate)
Saint 49: Anthony of Padua (F alternate)
Saint 50: Teresa (F)
Saint 51: Henry (F)
Saint 52: Stephen M (F)
Saint 57: John the Baptist (F)
Saint 58: Margaret of Cortona (F)
Saint 59: Sergious and Bacchus
Saint 60: Mother Cabrini
Saint 61: Hildegard of Bingen)
Saint 62: Eric of Sweden
Saint 63: Rose of Lima (alternate)
Saint 64: Andrew Kim
Saint 65: Lorenzo Ruiz
Saint 66: Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint 67: Bernadette
Saint 68: Brigid of Kildare
Saint 69: Wilibroard
Saint 70: Cecilia (alternate)
Saint 71: Therese of Lisieux (alternate)
Saint 72: Mother McAuley
Saint 73: Mary and Jesus
Saint 74: Peter Claver
Saint 75: Francis de Sales (F)
Saint 76: Vincent de Paul (F)
Saint 77: John Paul II (alternate)
Saint 78: Padre Pio
Saint 79: Charbel Makhlouf
Saint 80: Rafqa Pietra Chobog Ar-Reyes
Saint 81: Maria Faustina Kowalska
Saint 82: Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Saint 83: Katherine Drexel
Saint 84: Mary Magdelene
Saint 85: Elizabeth
Saint 86: Andrew Dung Lac
Saint 87: Lady of Lavang
Saint 88: Our Lady of the Rosary
Saint 97: St Anê Lê Thị Thành
Saint 98: St. William of Norwich
Saint 99: St. Gabriel (F)
Saint 100: St. Marianne Cope (F)
Saint 101: St John Paul II
Saint 102: St. Theresa of Calcutta
Saint 103: St. Basil (F)
Saint 104: St. Michael (B)
Saint 105: St Joseph (F)
Saint 106: St. Ignatius (F)
Saint 107: St. Raphael (F)
Saint 108: St. Damien
Saint 109: St John Newmann
Saint 110: St. Anne Guerin
Saint 111: Bl. Carlo Acutis
Saint 112: Bl. Solanus Casey
Saint 113: St Rose Phillipine Duchesne
Saint 114: St. Barnabus (F)
Saint 115: St. Isidore (F)
Saint 116: St. Lucia (F)
Saint 117: St. Edward Campion
Saint 118: St. John Fisher (F)
Saint 119: St. Alphonsus Ligouri (F)
Saint 120: St. Andrew (Alt) (F)
Saint 121: St Angela Merici (F)
Saint 122: St. Elizabeth Seton
Saint 123: St. Brigid of Sweden (F)
Saint 124: St. Clothilde (F)
Saint 125: St Elizabeth of Portugal (F)
Saint 126: St. Hubert (F)
Saint 127: St. John of the Cross (F)
Saint 128: St. John the Apostle (F)
Saint 129: St Louis (F)
Saint 130: St. Maurice (F)
Saint 131: St. Michael the Archangel (Alt) (F)
Saint 132: St. Patrick
Saint 133: St. Paul of the Cross (F)
Saint 134: St. Thomas More (F)
Saint 135: St. Clare of Assisi (F)
Saint 136: St Angela of Foligno (F)
Saint 137: St. Colette (F)
Saint 138: St. Agnes of Assisi (F)
Saint 139: St. Maximilian Kolbe (F)
Saint 140: St. Bonaventure (F)
Saint 141: St. Padre Pio (F)
Saint 142: St. Junipero Serra (F)
Saint 143: St. Agnes (F)
Saint 144: St. Joseph (alternate) (F)
Saint 145: St. Francis of Assisi (alternate) (F)
Saint 146: St. Pius X
Saint 147: COMING SOON
Saint 148: COMING SOON
Deluxe Medallion 81 "Ascension"
Deluxe Medallion 82 "Announcement of Christ"
Deluxe Medallion 83 "Crucifixion"
Deluxe Medallion 84 "Garden of Gethsemane"
Deluxe Medallion 85 "The Good Shepherd"
Deluxe Medallion 86 "He is Risen"
Deluxe Medallion 87 "Jesus and the Children"
Deluxe Medallion 88 "Prodigal Son"
Deluxe Medallion 89 "Jesus as a Boy"
Deluxe Medallion 90 "Jesus Knocking"
Deluxe Medallion 91 "Nativity"
Deluxe Medallion 92 "Sermon on the Mount"
Deluxe Medallion 93 "Sowing the Seeds"
Deluxe Medallion 94 "Woman at the Well"
Deluxe Medallion 95 "Jesus and the Children"
Deluxe Medallion 96 "Peter Receives Keys"
Deluxe Medallion 97 "Our Lady"
Deluxe Medallion 98 "Jesus in the Temple"
Deluxe Medallion 99 "The Holy Family"
Deluxe Medallion 100 "St Anthony w/ infant of Prague"
Deluxe Medallion 101 "Nativity"
Deluxe Medallion 102 "St John Cantius"
Deluxe Medallion 103 "Presentation"
Deluxe Medallion 104 "Visitation"
Deluxe Medallion 105 "John the Baptist"
Deluxe Medallion 106 "Saint Adelbert"
Deluxe Medallion 107 "Annunciation"
Deluxe Medallion 108 "St Stanislaus Kostka"
Deluxe Medallion 109 "Stations of the Cross 1"
Deluxe Medallion 110 "Stations of the Cross 2"
Deluxe Medallion 111 "Stations of the Cross 3"
Deluxe Medallion 112 "Stations of the Cross 4"
Deluxe Medallion 113 "Stations of the Cross 5"
Deluxe Medallion 114 "Stations of the Cross 6"
Deluxe Medallion 115 "Stations of the Cross 7"
Deluxe Medallion 116 "Stations of the Cross 8"